July 20, 2015
At Kiddies on First we believe that equipping a child with a second language will give them insight and appreciation into other cultures, develop creative thinking and build confidence. The educators have created a casual learning enviornment where children are exposed to one of the biggest languages in our community, Italian!. Children are learing how to greet one another “Ciao Buon giorno” , key words, songs, numbers and even colours! The best time to teach a child a second language is as they are learning the first one smile emoticon Check out one of our newest resources!
The preschoolers are also engaging with ELLA an exciting digital language learning program. It opens up a world of cultural possibilities for children early in life.
Children learn Italian using a play-based app called The Polyglots. (A polyglot is someone who is multilingual.) They use the apps on our tablet devices at preschool. The apps were designed with help from language, early childhood and technology experts.
Lets develop a passion for languages together!